Saturday, March 22, 2008

Qemu and Debian

After a few hiccups, I had a new debian machine running on Qemu in my Ubuntu Gutsy machine

1. sudo apt-get install qemu
2. wget
Ensure the md5 check sum matches with the site(md5sum debian-40r3-i386-CD-1.iso of the file should match what is there on the server). This would save a lot of trouble. Don't skip it.
3. Create the image file
dd if=/dev/zero of=rootfile bs=1M count=2048
4. qemu -cdrom debian-40r3-i386-CD-1.iso -hda rootfile -net user -net nic -boot d
Install only the base system if you want to save time
5. If you complete the above step... Voila you can now boot into your brand new debian machine
qemu -hda rootfile -net user -net nic
Boot into it and get excited about seeing the shell prompt.

No wonder I soooooo love debian..

Saturday, March 15, 2008

New kubuntu system..

Here is something I have to brag out. I scrapped the default (only prescribed) OS on my office laptop and installed Kubuntu- gutsy... What a relief..

Must haves in no particular order
1. Amarok
2. Firefox
3. Compiz
4. Pidgin
5. KNetworkManager
6. Ktorrent (Yes in office laptop.. cant live without it..)
7. Kontact
8. AventailLinuxconnect..

Voila.. I am up and running (Running.. no flying high)...

Life has never been better..
apt-get... never ending list..

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Torn between C and Java

I started my career 3 years back.. Fresh out of college, I stepped into the wonderful world of C and Linux with a great mentor. I dint realise how lucky I am. I have thrown all that away for a few more bucks and great company name. Tomorrow I shall be committing the sin of opening an Eclipse for the first time. Shame on me...